Screening Shakespeare

Did you know...?
It used to be that people would say they were going to the theatre to hear a play.  But nowadays, we say we are going to see a play.  I wonder why we do that?  Probably because we like to watch movies on T.V., and we have to push the PLAY button on the DVD machine.

Well, whether you're looking or listening, these videos might help you to understand a little more about some of Shakespeare's greatest plays.

The Tempest
The Tempest: (BBC Version)
A terrible storm. A near-fatal shipwreck. A mysterious island. And you thought that Lost was the first show to ever think of doing this. Watch these animations about Shakespeare's last play.

Much Ado About Nothing
Having trouble understanding Shakespeare? What if the characters were a little more up to date? Check out this animation of the play Much Ado About Nothing, but with modern day characters.

From Reduced Shakespeare Company's Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged.

As You Like It
As You Like It (BBC Version)
Watch this animation to find out more about the play.